Bucket List
So...today is my first official day of summer vacation now that school has ended. I so far spent it sleeping in, drinking coffee, and watching tv shows, and searching for a puppy.
Speaking of PUPPY! N and I have been talking about getting a puppy for a LONG time. The conversation usually consisted of trying to agree on the kind to get. He always wanted a lab, but our backyard is pretty small and the front yard faces a busy street so that just wasn't practical.
When growing up my parents had a basset hound, which I have only seen in pictures...but always loved them. I knew we needed a calm, friendly dog and a basset hound seemed to fit the bill.
N also agreed because he thought it would the perfect garage dog, seeing as he spend lots of time in his garage.
Aren't they just adorable?????
I just can't get over that face.
Anyway, the puppy search has proven to be tough....I guess there aren't a lot of basset hound breeders in our area??
That brings me to my summer bucket list. Some things rather simple, some that may prove difficult, and some that N doesn't know about yet. Hehe.
Summer bucket list...
1. Find a basset hound puppy and adopt
2. Refinish desk
(It needs to be done...well, lots needs to be done in here. Isn't that computer ancient? N doesn't want to get rid of it?!?!?!).
3. Refinish kitchen table and put cushions on chairs
4. Paint basement and make shelves
5. Buy a new washer and dryer
6. Run a 10k
7. Find a new end table
8. Go camping as much as possible
9. Find a chair for the barren corner
(This is the barren corner. I need a cool chair...another thing that has proven hard to find).
10. Curtains for office and guest room
11. Road trip to Cedar Point in Ohio
12. Get rid of couch and computer in office
13. Finalize as many wedding plans as possible
14. Make more products for TpT and get selling!
15. Take on my summer reading list. I am already two books down (I started before summer break really began). Here is my next read...
That is it for now. I'm sure it will be ever growing as the summer goes on, but for now I think I can tackle this.
Sounds like you have a busy summer ahead of you!! Happy summer and good luck gettin' it all done!
Late Nights & Lattes