I am an optimist. Like the annoying, sunshine coming out of your butt optimist. Just ask N...he'll tell ya. When he's having the worst of worst days I somehow manage to tell him something good he overlooked. This annoys him to no end-but to me I've always found it a valuable personal trait.
The problem is that lately I have not been optimistic. In fact I've been a downright C-R-A-B. At school, home, to N, to my precious Mack-a-doodle. And look at his cute little face! I just die.
Wedding planning is SO incredibly fun...but stressful too. Taking care of a hyperactive boxer is quite possibly one of my life callings...but exhausting. And keeping up a house and happy hubby-to-be is one of my favorite things...but not at the end of a 10 hour day.
Today though...I decided to change, because today I choose joy. Every day after this I will try my absolute darndest to choose joy. Because life is certainly far too short not to be happy. I truly believe that any situation is what you make of it. So when I wake up in the morning and before I roll out of bed and watch Mack take over my warm spot, I will choose joy. Before I think a bad thought or feel bad for myself for one more second, I will choose joy. In lieu of complaints I will let you in on five small things that are trying to take my joy and find a silver lining. Here we go...
1. I can NOT wash whites for the life of me. Every SINGLE time something comes out with this weirdly shaped tan-ish stain. I have no idea what is going on. Even my mother (the queen of housekeeping) knows what I am doing wrong.
BUT...that is just a great reason to go shopping for my 97th white v-neck.
2. It is nearly impossible to find a veil that I like. Really...no big deal, but I thought I was such an excellent decision maker. Now all this bird cage, cathedral, fingertip length lingo is stuck in my brain all day and I'm feeling more confused than ever!!
BUT...when I get to try on my gorgeous dress in two weeks I can try them all on to my hearts content and see what looks best with it!
OMG....sooooooo love this...or do I....
3. Why does it always seem like there is not enough time in the day to work out. I love it. Really I do, I'm not just saying that there is no better feeling than a good sore bod in the morning, but it is so darn hard to fit those babies in when there are so many other things to get done.
BUT...this gives me a great reason to try out my new bow flex weights I got for Christmas!! There's gotta be some sort of 10 minutes workout for those puppies.
4. Hair appointments take so long. Like...so long that I would rather let my dirty brown roots grow in for three weeks than go. Like I'm doing now.
BUT...if I bring my new Nook from N I can have an excuse to actually read and relax while those chemicals seep into my brain and turn me blonde for two hours.
If you don't have one...shame. Seriously the best gift I have ever gotten.
5. This is odd, but it really annoys me to no end when I sneeze and nobody says "bless you." Yes I know it sounds Catholic-esque or whatever but really, it's JUST POLITE!
BUT...this is just a great opportunity to post this picture of Will Ferrell because I love it. And it reminds me of my college roomie who sneezed 25 times in a row.
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