That sentence right there tells many people what my daily life is like. From mediator, to cheerleader, nurse, event coordinator, protector, detective, comedian, zoo keeper, and of course TEACHER there are many roles I get to play. I absolutely love my job, probably more than most and feel thankful every day that I can go to work at a place I love.
Last night I got to play a role I don't usually play which was audience member. We had our annual Holiday Concert last night and it was fabulous! Not only does our music teacher do a phenomenal job with the kids and coaching them through the SIX song they sing each year, she manages to keep them under control for their 20 minute performance (with only a few eyeball stares from me). They get SO excited for this night and are SO adorable when they walk into the room with their fancy dresses, bow ties, and high heels. High heels...for some reason those are always the big excitement for my girls-if only they knew...
For the teachers and staff it is exhausting, but you can't help but smile at their excitement and their sheer happiness for something so simple.
Anyways in the interest of privacy I won't post any pictures but let me tell ya, they looked adorable. I did snap a picture of our classroom tree where they all stood for a quick picture before the performance so I had something...
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