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Monday, July 29, 2013

Headboards, concerts, apps, and PUPPIES! seems I have neglected my new baby blog that I vowed to stay on top off. Who knew that summer would be so busy when you aren't working? It almost seems like I am more busy now than when I was teaching summer school. Craziness. Anyway, this post is going to be a quick update about all the things going on around here. 

First of all--I made a headboard! We were in desperate need of one after I got a smokin' deal on a king size bed on Groupon. If you aren't on Groupon, don't even do it. It is extremely addicting and has taken all my money. Anyways, I had to get a bed frame but didn't want to fork over a ton of money for a headboard to go with it. One of the cheaper ones I found was this one on Still a little expensive, and after seeing all the other people making headboards out there, I knew I could do it too. I won't walk you through all the details because I simply followed this post from Freckles Chick. She is obviously awesome so her's looks much more professional but I'm pretty proud of myself for my first attempt. 

Here are all my supplies ready to go. 

There she is all done and waiting to be hung.

And there it is on the bed.
 Don't get me started on the straightness of the nail head trim...or my lack of pillow styling on this giant bed. I don't know what to do with it. Ay. works for us and it was only about $100. I call that a steal. 

Next up on the summer agenda was a Paul McCartney concert at Miller Park in Milwaukee with my mom and sisters. This is a picture of the stage as we waited for him to come on. I can't even begin to describe to you my love for The Beatles, so this was basically a dream come true for me. He sang lots of Beatles songs and sounded just as wonderful as he did so long ago. Hey and he's pretty sprite for 71. 

I've been spending lots of time on outdoor patios having apps and drinks with good friends, family, and N throughout the summer. THIS is what makes me love summer so much. Especially in Wisconsin where it is pretty hard to eat on an outdoor patio 9 months out of the year. 

Last but not summer bucket list included finding a Basset Hound puppy for N and I to bring home and welcome into our family. Those proved to be pretty hard to find around here and we REALLY wanted a puppy before I go back to school. Our second choice was a Boxer puppy. One Sunday we happened to find a breeder in the paper and BAM our decision was made. We picked up the little guy the next day and it has been love ever since. 

I have been camera happy ever since we brought him home, but I will leave you with two of my favorites. Obviously there will be more to come throughout his life as our little guy grows. His name is Mack, but since getting his name he has acquired MANY nicknames. Examples include: Big Mac, Mack Attack, Macaroni, Macklemore, and Mackerel. Little did we know when we named him how many names or words have Mack in them. 

This one was early in the morning and he was DEFINITELY not ready to be awake yet. 

This was our second day together and he already learned how to melt me with those puppy eyes. SO CUTE! 

Since last week Monday he has basically taken up ALL of my time and lovin'. 

My next DIY project is going to be an attempt at decorating the wall above my newly blue buffet (?) but without spending money. We'll see how that goes...

Until then! 

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